Now all domestic chickens, the ancestors may be red jungle chickens (red jungle chickens) from southeast asia, and some strains may be mixed with the blood of gray jungle chickens from the indian subcontinent, so they have yellow skin genes, such as the hakka people love to eat. Yellow-skinned chickens carry this gene. In fact, the reference genome sequence of the chicken came from the red jungle fowl in malaysia, and was later bred in ucd001 at the university of california, davis, my alma mater. Wait, this experience is too similar to mine! I was destined to be a chicken. My malay neighbors even caught these chickens from the forest and brought them home, and they would only mate and lay eggs in a relatively open area.
When it comes to mating, if you have ghost mannequin effect pastured chickens, you will see some chickens mating, with the rooster pressing the hen under it. Interestingly, in both english and chinese, cock is used to refer to a man's penis. The problem is, roosters don't have chicks, only cloaca holes. On the contrary, ducks have very majestic little cocks... Oh no... Big cocks, some ducks' big cocks are even longer than their body lengths, are you afraid?
Going back to the chicken bar, "The world of cockscomb" details the experience of laoying and laomeijiguan's exhaustion in finding and bringing back the rearing of red jungle chickens. It also points out that it is difficult to study the origin of domestic chickens, because many wild chicken populations are mixed with domestic chicken genes. This is not surprising, as in most malay villages, domestic chickens are free-range, and it is not uncommon for them to sometimes run back to the forest.